SFC Energy’s Environmental,
Health and Safety Policy

Everyone who works for SFC Energy Ltd. and SFC Energy LLC. is responsible for protecting the environment and the health and safety of our people, contractors and local communities. Management’s commitment to health and safety addresses physical, psychological, and social well-being of our employees, contractors, visitors and local communities. Our commitment to health, safety and environmental performance is an integral part of our business, and achieving cost effective HSE solutions is essential to our long-term success.

SFC’s approach to continually improve our environmental, health and safety performance is:

  • Integrating health, safety and environmental best practices into all parts of our business.
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.
  • Protecting our workers from retaliation for speaking up about safety or stopping unsafe work.
  • Establishing goals and objectives for the company and measuring performance.
  • Defining and communicating roles and responsibilities for everyone in our program
  • Encouraging worker participation in identifying, assessing and managing HSE risk through our business.
  • Ensuring each employee, visitor and contractor understands their responsibilities and are competent to do their job in a safe and healthy manner.
  • Carry out regular safety and health inspections. Identify and correct unsafe working conditions or practices, control hazards, and comply fully with the safety and health standards for every job.
  • Delivery of defect free products and services that meet the requirements of our internal and external customers through the continuous improve of our quality, health and safety management system.

SFC Energy Ltd. and SFC Energy LLC. recognized the importance of the involvement and commitment of management and the responsibility of each and every employee and contractor in the application of this policy. Managers, supervisors, and workers at all levels are held accountable for their health, safety and environmental performance. The commitments contained in the policy statement depend entirely on our people. Everyone taking ownership of their health, safety and environmental performance. That’s how we will eliminate accidents and environmental incidents, reduce emissions and waste and fulfill all of our HSE commitments.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Management System

ISO 14001:2015 Certified Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

ABSA Certificate of Authorization Permit

Palam Vinai
Managing Director – SFC Energy Ltd.